Saturday, May 15, 2010

New Table Love

OMG how in love am I???? well I have been on the look out for the perfect table for my kitchen and it has been FOUND!! Arorite green table top with additional leaf, chrome and white piping on the chairs!!! la la la whooo super excited about it and I cannot wait to get her home and put her in the kitchen...I am so happy and my kitschy kitchen is now a happy family.
Almost half way to achiving my vintage housewifey dreams ahhhh success.....

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Someone get this girl some fringe ...

well I just had the cutest girl come in the shop today..her name is Allanah. She had the cutest floral dress on with adorable boots, she also just got a fab hair cut ala Vadim and she topped it all off when those ray bans went on purdy purdy gal!!

anywho she was mentioning that she read my blog...then I started thinking I have not written anything is so long...its been forever I decided I have been thinking about fringe all day so why not write!
( Thanks hope I spelt your name right)

So can you have too much fringe? can you? I dont think you can I really do not think that you cannot have enough!! I myself own so so much of it and I aodre it.
Fringe sweater, fringe jacket, fringe scarves,fringe dress get the picture BUT do you know whats missing...FRINGE BOOTS!
oh me oh my oh I need a pair I do not have any and need some badly...its just finding a size 10..I look all the time on ETSY and every thrift shop all over the place but alas never find them ...but I am on the look out and always am...
I have attached a photo of ones I would like and also a pic of this super cute gal with fringe boots she is really adorable and I dig those boots....

I love you fringe and thank you Allanah I really do need to write more and I shall MUAH xxoo

About Me

My photo
Nelson British Columbia, Canada
Robin Sign:Scorpio I love VINTAGE and have since I was a wee one..I have big ass hair and I like leather jackets with lots of sequins...high heels and kittens, wolves and bears and red lipstick...I like old photos and 10 speeds..I am obssessed with The 1950s and I have two cats. I am a pinup girl at heart and always will be xoxo
